January 02, 2012

The Dream

She packs her suitcase full of life from suburbia (yes, it is a suburb).
He cooks and cleans, and drives through life in his shiny city.
She leans on the plane window, searching for signs below.
He takes the usual route to work, but not at the usual speed.

She arrives, rumbled and dehydrated, with an energetic thirsty spirit.
He watches the screen, watches the phone, then looks at his watch.

She small-talked with the taxi driver while her thoughts ran elsewhere.
He secretly drove to her hotel and waited in the lobby.

She arrived and inhaled the dry desert air, feeling the familiar warmth.
He watched her familiar face in secret through the glass doors.
She walked into the lobby and sensed something was about to change.
He walked towards her slowly.

She saw him and knew.
He smiled and knew.
She shed all remaining armor and jumped into his arms.
He picked her up and twirled her about, like he always promised he would.

She held his smiling face in her hands.
He leaned in and gave her that fairy tale kiss.

She laughed her sparkly laugh.
He flashed that big grin of his.
She held his hand tightly and said, show me our world.
He was happy to take her there.

They went to his favorite sushi place. They sang as his favorite piano bar. They found that cheesy motel they had laughed about. They watched their favorite movies in bed. They watched the world from a shared angle. They drove down that long road to the middle of nowhere, a place they'd never been to but could describe to each other in detail.

She reminded him he didn't believe in happy endings.
He said they could enjoy this long middle together.
They lived happily.

Then she woke up in tears. Like always.

And made the difficult decision to finally get out of bed.

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